Reserve with us

Reserve with us

You want to reserve one of our properties?  Here is what you need to know…

First time buyer…

  • £500 reservation fee
  • Your Solicitors details 
  • Your last 3 months pay slips so you can be qualified with our Mortgage team if you haven’t already. – we would recommend you contact these before tour reservation appointment.

Cash buyer…

  • Proof of funds 
  • £500 reservation fee
  • Your Solicitors details


  • Have sold your previous property subject to contract 
  • £500 reservation fee
  • Your Solicitors details 
  • Your last 3 months pay slips so you can be qualified with our Mortgage team if you haven’t already. 

If you would like to query anything please contact us on 01226 707090 and our team will be happy to help!

Our Finance Team

Saul Homes works with Mortgage Advice Bureau to ‘Qualify’ any of our customers that wish to reserve a plot with us. Although you need this for your reservation, you do not need to proceed with this company for your mortgage as the sale progresses. The option is there, however, you are more than welcome to use your own broker should you prefer.

What does it mean to be Qualified?

The Mortgage Advice Bureau will check your affordability so that we can have confidence that you will be able to proceed with the sale and you can also see your affordability limits. – We often find people can afford much more than what they expect.

To qualify to reserve one of our homes, please contact the Mortgage advice bureau on the details below. If you explain you are wanting to be qualified to reserve a property with Saul Homes they will then be able to best advice you.

Telephone: 03300 021230           Email: